What to Bring

All Classes are taught with Positive Reinforcement Methods. We do sell soft treats if you are not sure what you are to bring.  A treat recipe is at the bottom of the page, as well. We begin with Cheerios only in the Puppy Socials Class until students are further instructed on what to bring.

I recommend a crate for your dog to travel in or a doggie seat belt. I recommend not to feed your puppy a big meal before travel.

UPDATE January 3 , 2025  We will follow CDC  recommendations . Masks are no longer required but  Please do not come to class if you are coughing or sneezing with out a mask.  Please do not come to class if you have any exposure to anyone who has had COVID. We want to keep everyone as safe and comfortable as possible. I am allowing two people to attend per puppy at this time, children may now again come to class. Thank you. 

You Will Need: These are recommendations to have a well balanced plan for training. I can help you with variations as needed.

I sell treat bags, treats, leashes , toys and clickers  and can be purchased the first night at the training center for your convenience.  Your support for the small business owner is appreciated. Cash Check or Venmo is accepted.

Buckle Collars only. Choke collars are not permitted in the puppy class. We will discuss use of harnesses . If you currently use a harness that is fine, but please have a buckle collar on your puppy.  No Flexi Leads.

  • A leather leash is preferred and are sold at the Training Center. You may use a light nylon leash to start.
  • A treat bag, fanny pack, for your treats and a clicker.  All sold at the training center. We appreciate the support.  All participating members of the family should wear one., you can share.
  • Treats
    • Cheerios only for Puppy Socialization for Lesson One and Two. Use only cheerios at home as well.
    • Higher classes see recipe below or any soft treats of your choice
    • Lesson three you may add some meat treats to your cheerios.
  • Dress comfortably, tennis shoes are preferred.
  • Bring your own water bowl, such that has a lid on with your dogs name on. Do not leave at the center. They will be tossed. Bottled water is for sale  if you run out of water.
    Please bring a towel , mat, or blanket for your puppy to sit on.
  • Bring vaccinations records if not mailed in initially. All students must have current records.
    • A yearly and Stool Check with negative results. Proof is required from your vet.
    • Kennel Cough
    • Flea  and tick preventive  is required Check with your vet for their recommendations.
    • Heartworm preventive is recommended, please check with your vet for recommendations for your area.
      DHLPP  and Rabies ( I know puppies will not have their full series , as long as the first 2 sets of DHLPP and stool samples are clear , they can attend puppy classes.

Class Rules

  • Please pick up after your own dog.
  • All dogs to remain on leash unless otherwise instructed.
  • Leashes must be worn at all times outside in the exercise areas.
  • Do not let your dog charge up to another dog in a crated area.
  • Children are welcome to come and participate. Note, children must be able to take instruction from the trainer. All children five and under must be accompanied by a second adult.
  • Cell phones should be turned off during class, notify instructor if phone must be on for emergency purposes.
  • Ohkom Farms reserves the right to combine smaller classes. Maximum students per class is eight, minimum is four.

Visit the Ohkom Class & Event Calendar
Download the Registration Form
Learn More About Our Online Classes

Treat Recipe

A simple recipe is to take a hot dog (beef or chicken), cut in half long ways, then long ways again so you have four strips.  Cut those strips in to cubes.  Lay flat on a paper towel and microwave for one minute.  Mix the cheerios and the hot dog in a baggie so the cheerios will absorb the juice. This will help make a smelling tempting treat for training!

Bad Weather information

Announcements for canceled classes due to weather or other emergency cancellations will be posted on my Ohkom Farms Training Center Face Book Page . Please make sure you like and follow my page for those updates. If you know you can not make the class please email me at least one hour prior to class.   Classes will only be cancelled if half the class cancels. I must have time to inform the remaining students.  I can be contacted on my personal Facebook page by messenger if you can’t reach me on the business page. Dress weather-appropriate to be comfortable. Students should check emails, Facebook page,  for weather cancellations.

Notices will be sent by EMAIL, as best I can, Our FACEBOOK Page , Ohkom Farms Training Center is going to be the easiest way for me to notify you of a cancelled class due to weather. Please Like our Page.  Class notices and events will also be posted on Facebook. To receive  updates, please e-mail me at ohkom@winbeam.com with your email address in the body of the letter or put on your Registration Form. Ultimately it is your responsibility to look at the Ohkom Calendar for upcoming classes and register on time. Once you have become a member of our Ohkom Family you  will be able to sign up for your  next class at the training center.

You can find the icon in the upper left hand corner of the website page and also please subscribe to our You Tube page for more training videos. You can also find training videos on the website under training video link.

A Port-a-John is on the property.

To view our training pictures, click one below

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